Socialism 2024 has ended
Friday, August 30

9:30am CDT

10:00am CDT

2:30pm CDT

4:30pm CDT

6:00pm CDT

7:30pm CDT

9:30pm CDT

Saturday, August 31

8:30am CDT

10:00am CDT

Challenging Police Surveillance Technologies: A Workshop with #StopShotSpotter Field BCJose Manuel Almanza • Julie Lee • Julio Mateo • Ed Vogel • #StopShotSpotter National Coalition "How will we remember this?" Movement Memory and the Line 3 Storytelling Anthology Clark BCEditors of the Line 3 Storytelling Anthology Cooperatives, Socialized Power, and the Reproduction of Economic Alternatives Grant Park DJonah Olsen • Hialy Gutierrez Bodily Autonomy and Trans Rights: Undoing Fascism at Its Roots Regency Ballroom DEmma P • Judith Chavarria • Saoirse Gowan • Allison Zec • DSA Treatment Not Trauma: Organizing for Public Care in Late Capitalism Regency Ballroom EJonathan Nagy • Eric Ramos • Rossana Rodríguez • Verónica Tirado • 33rd Ward Working Families General Strike for May 1st, 2028? Regency Ballroom CMaria Moreno • Dan Scoggins • Brandon Mancilla • Emma Tai • Sarah Hurd • Alex Han • In These Times Estamos en La Lucha: Building the Migrant Justice Movement Hyde Park BJuana • Anastasia • Workers' Voice Moving Toward Home: The Enduring Legacy of Black and Palestinian Solidarity Adler ABCLinda Sarsour • Rachel Gilmer • Lama Alhasn • Dream Defenders • Dream Defenders Now You Know It’s Genocide: Putting Knowledge to Action for Palestinian Liberation Grant Park CAline Baratseh • Sandra Tamari • Jessica Anderson • Visualizing Palestine Against Apartheid, Against Empire: Learning from the South African Struggle Burnham ABCMorgan Barry • Premilla Nadasen • Martha Biondi • Lynette Jackson The Genocidal Returns of Lesser Evilism: the U.S. Elections and Left Strategy Grant Park ABbrian bean • Kristen Godfrey • Natalia Tylim • Tempest

1:00pm CDT

Dismantling Carceral Debt: An Abolitionist Manifesto Dusable BCTiera Rainey • Dawn Harrington • Nate Gilliam • Shannon Fauwkes • Community Justice Exchange • Milwaukee Freedom Fund • Tucson Bail Fund • Free Hearts World Building Workshop: Abolition, Solidarity and Decolonization Regency Ballroom EKelly Hayes • Harsha Walia • Robyn Maynard The World's Looming Nuclear Threats Clark ARay Acheson • M.V. Ramana • Joshua Frank • CounterPunch • Verso • Science for the People Logoff and Meetup: Building Third Spaces to Change the World Regency Ballroom CMandy Medley • Clarence White • Mary Zerkel • Pilsen Community Books Making the Revolution Irresistible: Street Theatre Practices and Methodologies from New York to New Delhi Hyde Park AMeropi Peponides • Beto O'Byrne • Radical Evolution Abolish Rent: How Tenants Can End the Housing Crisis Grant Park DBen Mabie • Tracy Rosenthal • Leonardo Vilchis Dismantling Imperial Feminism Adler ABCMegan Lessard • Emily Janakiram • NYC for Abortion Rights Puerto Rico’s Struggle Against the US Junta, Colonialism, and Capitalism Field ARafael Bernabe Confronting the Peaceful Indian and Other Tropes as Essential to Building Solidarity Regency Ballroom DTara Houska • Patty Krawec • Fawn E. Pochel • Giniw Collective • Chi Nations Youth Council • Indigenous Grounds • Midnight Sun Warrior Women: Film Screening and Discussion Grant Park CBeth Castle • Madonna Thunder Hawk Isolating Israel: Organizing for the Academic and Cultural Boycott Clark BCMax Fox • Maya Wind • Abdel Razzaq Takriti Ten Myths About Zionism Grant Park ABIlan Pappé Insurgency in Diaspora: Community Organizing in South Asian North America Hyde Park BMohiba Ahmed • Aman Bardia • Divyani Motla • Arsalan Samdani • SALAM (South Asian Left Activist Movement) Socialists at Work: How to Successfully Talk to Coworkers About Forming a Union Burnham ABCJoe Cronin • AK Alilonu • Ed Blair • DSA • EWOC Building Anti-Imperialist Struggles for 21st Century Feminist Eco-Socialism Field BCRose M. Brewer • Jeff Ordower • Sian Miranda Singh ÓFaoláin • Renee Hatcher • Sara Roschdi • Bottom Up Liberation

3:00pm CDT

Capital and Abolition Grant Park ABRuth Wilson Gilmore • Lydia Pelot-Hobbs • Naomi Murakawa Help This Garden Grow: Ethics of Care, Environmental Justice, and Media-Making for Liberation Grant Park CCheryl Johnson • Daniel Kisslinger • Damon Williams • Oscar Sanchez • TBD • Respair Media Sports And The Fight For A Free Palestine Dusable BCDan Bannoura • Rebecca O'Keeffe • Dave Zirin Killer Debt: Global South and North Clark BCLee Wengraf • Julio César Gambina • Alvin Velazquez • Solidarity • Tempest • Against the Current What Must Be Done: Defeating Project 2025 and the Neo-Fascist Right Regency Ballroom CMaikiko James • Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson • Renée Paradis • Bennett Carpenter • DSA Socialist Majority • North Star Socialist Organization • Liberation Road Refusing Genocide, from Palestine to Pandemic Burnham ABCBeatrice Adler-Bolton • Rasha Abdulhadi • Death Panel Theory of Water: Indigenous Internationals for World-Making Adler ABCLeanne Betasamosake Simpson From Chávez to Maduro: Understanding Venezuela Today Regency Ballroom EAnderson Bean • Mara Garcia Workplace and Union Activists Organizing in Solidarity with Palestine Hyde Park ASherena Razek • Jackson Potter • sameerah • Sami • Dennis Kosuth Jewish-Muslim Solidarity: Building a Decolonial Alternative to Zionist Hegemony Field ADr. Jason Appt • Dr. Santiago Slabodsky • Rabbi Alissa Wise • Iskander Abbasi The Revolution of 1936-1939 in Palestine Field BCEman Abdelhadi • Noor (Palestinian Feminist Collective) • Nourah Nabulsi • Palestinian Feminist Collective • Salon Kawakib The Arab Spring and its Continuing Aftermath Clark ASam Kimball Storytelling for Social Justice: Using Oral History in Community and Movement Building Regency Ballroom DKatrina Powell • Dao Tran • Ela Banerjee • Voice of Witness Marxism, Domination, and Freedom: Toward a Politics of Socialist Emancipation Hyde Park BRachel Johnson • Tom Ladendorf • Miikka Jaarte Aging as Socialists: Building Organization Across the Phases of Life Grant Park DAlex Pellitteri • Megan Romer • Mina Parkison • Peg Strobel • Bill Barclay • DSA

5:00pm CDT

7:00pm CDT

9:00pm CDT

Sunday, September 1

8:30am CDT

10:00am CDT

Carceral Family Separation and Challenges Organizing Around Conditions Hyde Park ABill Ayers • Denzel Burke • Destine Phillips • Sarah Wattar • Micah Clark Moody • Civil Rights Corps • REAL Youth Initiative From the Death Chambers to Cop City: How the South is Pushing Back Against State Violence Clark ABCFuronda Brasfield • Michelle Smith • Tiara Cooper • Cherrell Brown • Noose to Needle - 8th Amendment Project Ending Sacrifice Zones: Fighting Racism and Imperialism through Climate Justice Field ABCRay Acheson • Janene Yazzie • Oscar Sanchez • CounterPunch Christian Zionism 101: What it is, Who's Behind it, & How to Fight it Grant Park DRev. Dr. Naomi Washington-Leaphart • Aidan Orly • Ben Lorber • Rev. Cristal Silva-McCormick • Political Research Associates The Black Antifascist Tradition Regency Ballroom CJeanelle K. Hope • Bill V. Mullen Liberating Abortion: Claiming Our History, Sharing Our Stories, and Building the Reproductive Future We Deserve Dusable BCBrittany Mostiller • Renee Bracey Sherman • Regina Mahone An Independent Guåhan: Indigenous Resistance and Self-Determination in the Face of US Imperialism Grant Park CAren Quenga Kerr • Nathan Samayo • Michael Lujan Bevacqua • Monaeka Flores • DSA Blue Collar Empire: On the History of the 'AFL-CIA' and Possibilities for Labor Internationalism Adler ABCJeff Schuhrke • Aparna Gopalan • Verso Unbuild Walls: Borders, Prisons, and Abolition Grant Park ABHarsha Walia • Silky Shah • Amna Akbar • Detention Watch Network Revisiting the 1960s: Lessons for the Left Regency Ballroom EBrendan Shiller • Billy Che Brooks • Jacqueline Lazu • Helen Shiller Democracy, Techno-fascism, and the Capitalist State Burnham ABCMizue Aizeki • Madi Day • Nikita Sonavane • Center for Political Education Not in Our Names: Organizing Against Supremacy and Towards Solidarity Regency Ballroom DAline Baratseh • Rebecca Vilkomerson • Alissa Wise • Beth Howard • Pranay Somayajula

12:00pm CDT

Ukraine and the Struggle Against the Global Far Right Burnham ABCZakhar Popovych • Anna Popovych • Blanca Missé • Ilya Matveev • Ukraine Solidarity Network The Political Economy of Covid Adler ABCJules Gill-Peterson • Beatrice Adler-Bolton • Artie Vierkant • Death Panel Assembly and Territory: Building Popular Power in Los Angeles Hyde Park ARose Lenehan • David Albright • Magdaleno Rosales • Ines Alcazar • LA Tenants Union Fighting for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives, Looking for Indigenous Futures Regency Ballroom DEla Banerjee • Gladys Radek • Ashley Hemmers • Voice of Witness U.S. Sanctions on Cuba and the Global South: Cost and Response Grant Park CLiz Oliva Fernandez • Helen Yaffe • August Nimtz • Anthony Quezada • Chicago Cuba Coalition Fragile Juggernaut: Looking at the 21st Century Labor Movement from the Vantage Point of the CIO Dusable BCBen Mabie • Alex Press • Gabriel Winant • Emma Teitelman • Tim Barker Religion at the Encampments Hyde Park BMaryam Abidi • Jonah ben Avraham • Safear Ness How Can The Left Respond to this Moment? A Special Live Taping of The Laura Flanders & Friends TV Show Field ABCLaura Flanders • Rachel Herzing • Nick Estes • Harsha Walia South to South, Jim Crow to Apartheid Regency Ballroom C Ko Bragg • Sherronda J. Brown • Eva Dickerson •  Da’Shaun Harrison • Mary Heglar •  Tea Troutman • Scalawag A New Red Scare? Regency Ballroom EAshik Siddique • Byron Sigcho Lopez • Jerry Harris • Renée Paradis • Andrew Basta • DSA From the Ashes: Grief, Care, and Time in our Movements Grant Park ABEman Abdelhadi • Sarah Jaffe • Kelly Hayes • Lydia Pelot-Hobbs

1:30pm CDT

3:00pm CDT

Parent-Led Organizing Against Incarceration, From the US to Palestine Regency Ballroom ENadine Naber • Maya Schenwar • Kim Wilson • Truthout An Ecosocialism that Builds: What’s Next for the Green New Deal? Adler ABCThea Riofrancos • Johanna Bozuwa • Brandon Mancilla • Elise Joshi • Ashik Siddique • DSA • Climate and Community Institute You Are Not A Loan: Debtors’ Assembly Hyde Park BDebt Collective organizers • Debt Collective Care Not Courts: Resisting Carceral Psychiatry and the Pathologization of Dissent Field ABCEman Abdelhadi • Liat Ben-Moshe • Sasha Warren • Leah Ida Harris • Death Panel The Grandmother of Housing: Organizing with the Sword, Shield, and Offer Grant Park CFrances Amador • Steve Meacham • Zafiro Patiño • Eric Wellers • City Life Vida Urbana Between Two Fires: Left Perspectives on the War on Ukraine Burnham ABCTaras Bilous • Robert Capistrano • Volodymyr Ishchenko • Olena Lyubchenko • Suzi Weissman • Daniel Singer Millenium Prize From Fanon to Falasteen: Decolonial Theory in Practice Regency Ballroom CTBD • Lara Kiswani • Roshan Dadoo • Center for Political Education Our History is the Future: The Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance Clark ABCNick Estes China in Global Capitalism: Building International Solidarity against Imperial Rivalry Hyde Park ALee Wengraf • Kevin Lin • Ashley Smith • Yueran Zhang Fascism, the Left and the Crisis in France Grant Park DJohn Mullen Antisemitism is Our Business: The ADL and Israel's Defenders Regency Ballroom DJason Farbman • Jewish Voice for Peace Lenin and the Politics of Rehearsal Grant Park ABRuth Wilson Gilmore

5:00pm CDT

8:00pm CDT

9:00pm CDT

Monday, September 2

10:00am CDT

12:00pm CDT

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